Archivo por meses: May 2014

Simple Scripts, go a long way

Hello, I’m Joao from Bigfoot gaming studio. I’m here today to tell you how simple and highly rehusable scripts can make your life easier in Unity3D. And how, if you find some time, making them look better, will also save you time and bugs!

Thinking before coding

When creating scripts, sometimes my main thought is, if I take this script and just drop it in another, and entirely different project, will it work?
If the answer is NO, then you should really take at least some minutes to think if it’s easier to do it in some other way that lets you do that!

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Bienvenidos a IGDA Argentina!

IGDA es una asociación sin fines de lucro que busca fomentar el desarrollo y fortalecimiento de la industria de videojuegos en nuestro país.

Debido a que el blog es muy reciente, varios de nuestros posts son aportes de nuestros miembros, originalmente publicadas en otros medios. Motivo por el que varios de estos posts se encuentran escritos en ingles.

A medida que la organizacion crezca, pedimos ayuda a nuestros seguidores, tanto para la creacion de nuevos posts como la traduccion de los ya existentes.

Cualquier opinion, critica o contribucion es bienvenida: email

Muchas gracias!

El equipo de IGDA Argentina.

Top 5 Gaming trends for 2014

Hi, This is Leandro from Trick Gaming Studios!

Gaming2014MainThe gaming industry has been one of the fastest growing industries for the last couple of years. Surprised? Even during times of economic slowdown, it appears to have been immune to the effects of the recession.

According to industry analyst, Colin Sebastian for RW Baird, video games generated US$60 billion in revenues in 2011 and are expected to reach US$80 billion by 2014. It’s not a matter of “If” it’ll keep growing, but rather of “How”. In that aspect, 2014 is going to be an interesting year if we consider the fact that it will be marked by the deployment of new home consoles from some of the biggest players out there. Sigue leyendo

Introduction to 3D Graphics – Part 3

Introducing basic Concepts of 3D graphics

Hi, This is Leandro from Trick Gaming Studios!

This is the third part of our ongoing series introducing you to the basic concept of 3D graphics.

In this post we’ll be explaining some basic mathematical concepts and teach about how objects are moved around in a typical 3D environment. When discussing 3D graphics some things can start to get a little complicated but just bear with us, we’ll try to keep everything as simple as possible.
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Introduction to 3D Graphics – Part 1

3D Graphics

Hi, This is Leandro from Trick Gaming Studios!

This is the first part of an ongoing series to introduce the basic concepts of 3D graphics.

The mission to explain 3D graphics has been attempted by many authors, but in my efforts to get into these new worlds, I couldn’t find any articles that brought its main concepts back to earth without retorting at some point to some elaborate theories of linear algebra.

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