Archivo del Autor: jojobatista

Acerca de jojobatista

Passionate, addicted entrepreneur, and crazy about games since I can remember. Founded Bigfoot in feb 2014 to achieve my dream to create games.

Simple Scripts, go a long way

Hello, I’m Joao from Bigfoot gaming studio. I’m here today to tell you how simple and highly rehusable scripts can make your life easier in Unity3D. And how, if you find some time, making them look better, will also save you time and bugs!

Thinking before coding

When creating scripts, sometimes my main thought is, if I take this script and just drop it in another, and entirely different project, will it work?
If the answer is NO, then you should really take at least some minutes to think if it’s easier to do it in some other way that lets you do that!

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